Friday, March 15, 2013


Since I started working at Penn Station my face has been more greasy than usual, which means I've had more zits than usual. I usually don't even have a problem with zits, but lately I've had a lot on my forehead. I searched on google for zit home remedies, and found this one, which I just tried:

2 teaspoons salt
1/4 cup of warm water

Dissolve the salt in the warm water, and using a cotton ball, soak it in the water. Squeeze the cotton ball so its still wet, but not dripping (you don't want it to be really dry). Place the cotton ball over the area where you have zits, and hold it there for 3-6 minutes. I held it there for four minutes, but you can hold it up to six minutes. Remove the cotton ball, and dry your forehead, or wherever the zit was off. I noticed an almost immediate difference. I had a zit appear just today, and so it was all moist and gross. But after doing this, the zit looked more dry, and like it had been there for a few days. You can do this as everyday, or even twice a day. Just be careful because the salt will dry your skin, as well as the zits out. You don't want your skin to become too dry. 

If you have a lot of zits, this might take a while to do since a cotton ball isn't very big. You can try stretching the cotton ball out over a bigger area, or using both your hands to hold cotton balls on your face at the same time. You could even just do the areas that are the worst, or do one or two spots a day, switching spots everyday that you do this. 

This is just a really cheap, and mostly easy way to get rid of zits. Salt costs only 40 cents for a LOT of it. I use salt for a lot of stuff!

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